
About Me May 19, 2011

Thanks for checking out my blog! I’m Whitney Morrow, wife to my wonderful husband Alex and mom to my precious son James. We live near Dallas, Texas. Alex owns his own telecommunications company, AbovePoint Technologies, and I am blessed to be able to stay at home with our son.

My first memory of coupons was when I was younger child. As funny and strange as it is, my favorite thing to do on Sunday would be to pick out the coupon inserts and weekly ads from the paper and read them. I have no idea why I did this, or why I thought it was something fun to do! I didn’t actually clip any until years later.

Years later, when Alex and I got married and I was officially not getting any help (read: money) from my parents, I started to notice how high my grocery bills were, and how little I was actually buying. I started comparing prices with the store brands and cut a little bit out of my budget by switching over to store brands. I found that many of the items tasted the exact same, and there were only a few that I didn’t care for.

Just a few months into our marriage, we found out I was pregnant in April 2009. We always knew I would stay at home, but now it was time to get serious about budgeting. I really had to make every dollar count. I started searching the internet for budgets, cutting grocery bills, etc. I had heard about Coupon Mom, but after trying to learn the deals I just got confused and frustrated. I didn’t understand how it was possible for anyone to ever get free groceries, and the idea of carrying around a gigantic binder of coupons seemed kind of embarrassing. Thankfully, after more searching and studying I got the hang  of it. Soon after I started having really good shopping trips and posting my deals on Facebook. The response of people wanting to learn has been overwhelming, so I decided to blog about it.


One Response to “About Me”

  1. Melissa Mayberry Says:

    This is a great website. Thank you so much for sharing!

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